Donor Stones
Become a “Permanent” Donor to the Montessori Schoolhouse.
In celebration of our new building, our new location, and new momentum, we will be edging our pathways with personalized, engraved stones. Donate a lasting memento with your family, child, or business name... or a favorite quote! The stones will line the walkways leading up to the school, and possibly the gardens and walls, for everyone to see and become a part of the school's history. As an added incentive, the majority of proceeds from the sale of the stones will fund our amazing programs, such as the Arts Enrichment Program and Outdoor Classroom projects.
Each carved stone is approximately 10 x 7 inches and costs $100.
Lettering is sandblast with dark highlight. No pictures, carvings or decorations. Maximum of 3 lines, 13 spaces per line.
For more information please contact Lisa LeBlanc at 352-3301 or